Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What an Adventure

Michael, Michael, Michael...

He's incredible & he doesn't even know it. He drives me up the wall in the most fantastic ways. I wish he could see how amazing he is. I just wish he would let me in more. He has a reason that he doesn't, and I understand it completely. That horrible girl fucked him up.

I wish he could have met me before her. I wish I could have made him fall in love with me, before he fell for her and before she manipulated him in the most horrible ways. For a woman to do that to a man or another human being in general is insanely inconsiderate and down right terrible. She is a disgusting person. I just don't understand how someone can do that to another human being. I don't understand how she doesn't feel guilty or horrible about it either.

I hope she gets a taste of her own medicine one day. I hope she falls head over heals for a man and then gets completely destroyed. I know that's bad of me, but I don't care. She hurt this incredible man that I love, in a most terrible way. I hope her conscience eats her alive from the inside out.

Michael, I don't know how many times I can tell you this, but you are amazing and you make me happy in so many ways. Talk to me, let me in.. I will not hurt you. I will not break your heart. I will not destroy you like she did. I'm different. Do not be afraid of me, or of yourself with me. Just let me love you, and you love me in return. Let me hold you, let me tell you everything will be alright and just believe me. Let me care for you, and be there for you always. Trust me with your heart, I will not harm it in anyway. I just want to love you and care for you, and be with you. I just want to be your everything and let you be mine.

I know it will take time, and I am willing to wait. I know he'll let me in when he's ready, but I just want him to know these things, and I know he says he trusts me with everything, but at the same time I feel like he's holding back. I know he's got good reason, but I want him to be able to come to me with ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. I know I need to be patient and I will be, it's just I want him so bad, in more ways than one. And even after all this, I wouldn't change a hair on his head. He's perfect in all his imperfections, he's incredible and I love everything about him.

On another note, I took him home to meet my parents last night. And they like him. My best friend does too and that's a big accomplishment. If she didn't like him, he'd be having some issues. She is 9 months pregnant and about ready to pop in the next few weeks to few days. I'm excited for her, but at the same time I'm worried as well. But, of course, I'll support her with anything and everything.

I'm so incredibly happy all the time right now and it's fantastic. I guess the college years really are the best years of your life, and they are quite the adventure as well. It helps that I have Michael around as well.

My Man <3

This is life, and I'm gonna live it.