Charlotte Bacon (6), Daniel Barden (7), Rachel Davino (29), Olivia Engel (6), Josephine Gay (7), Ana M. Marquez-Greene (6), Dylan Hockley (6), Dawn Hochspring (47), Madeleine F. Hsu (6), Catherine V. Hubbard (6), Chase Kowalski (7), Jesse Lewis (6), James Mattioli (6), Grace McDonnell (7), Anne Marie Murphy (52), Emilie Parker (6), Jack Pinto (6), Noah Pozner (6), Caroline Previdi (6), Jessica Rekos (6), Lauren Rousseau (30), Mary Sherlach (56), Victoria Soto (27), Benjamin Wheeler (6), and Allison Wyatt (6)
If you remember anything about the Sandy Hook Shooting, remember one of these names, or all of them. Do not give the gunman the satisfaction he wants by remembering how horrific a person he was or glorifying what he has done on television. Remember one of these names, and pray for the family of one of these names because during this Christmas season, these families are facing a horrible time in their lives. Help them to recover from this tragedy, send condolences and anything else they may need.
Give thanks for what you have, and the people that you have and the people you care about that are alive and well. This is a terrible tragedy in our Nation, and we need to support each other and help each other instead of glorifying a mad man on national television. Instead, help those who need it, and remember those who can no longer be with us.
This man was mentally ill, but he was 20 years old. He knew the difference between right and wrong and fiction vs. reality. Don't blame this on gun laws, or violent video games. Their is nothing to blame this on except for the man who did this. It wasn't because of the fact that we are allowed to have guns, or because the man played violent video games. It was because this man was disturbed. He know right from wrong, and he knew what he was doing. He made a decision, a horrible one. But it was HIS decision. The gun is just metal and wood, until SOMEONE picks it up and uses it. It's up to the PERSON to use it for GOOD or BAD.
Honestly, the media needs to stop glorifying this as well. This community has been destroyed, and all the media can do is shove more of it in their face. Think about how they feel every time they turn on the TV and are reminded each and every time of the worst day of their lives and of what tore their family apart. Stop making this mad man look like a celebrity and saying how this will be the most gruesome event since the Tech Shooting. That is not good publicity, it's horrible. It's what makes people do these things. Otherwise, those lowlifes would off themselves in their basement. Instead, they want to be remembered by what a horrible person they were and giving them the satisfaction, will not help to keep future events from happening.
Stop publicizing this and instead, publicize how to help these families in need. How to comfort these families that have just witnessed the most horrific times in their lives. Help these families to recover from this terrible tragedy. This of how to makes this Christmas better for them, because no matter what, every Christmas they will think of the time they had to bury their 6 or 7 year old CHILD. Help them. DO NOT GLORIFY THE MAD MAN, send your condolences and be happy and thankful for what you have. Come together as a nation with a helping hand instead of trying to blame this in something other than a horrible man.
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