What happened in Newtown, Connecticut literally disgusts me.
The fact that the reporters and investigators are trying to pin this and blame this on Black Ops II and the races of the child victims makes me want to vomit. This had nothing to do with violent video games. The man was 20 years old. He KNEW what he was doing. He KNEW right from wrong and he KNEW fiction from reality.
This horrible man killed his mother at her home, then drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School several miles away. It was predetermined. He thought this out, planned this out, and then committed the actions that have taken place.
He took the lives of innocent children. No matter the race, they were kindergarten and first grade students! The ages ranged from a mere 5 years old to a whopping 10 years old. Those children couldn't have done anything to deserve the violent deaths they endured. Not to mention the trauma that the other children will have to have psychological help to over come. They will live with this event their entire lives. They will remember this horrific day until the day they die.
Witnessing something so terrible can cause severe psychological problems in the future if those kids don't start to get help now. All they did was go to school on a Friday morning. They were doing what the government demands of us. I'm not saying education isn't important, but that's all they were doing.
Not to mention the poor parents of the deceased, who have to bear the holidays without their children. Imagine getting the phone call that your child of only 5 years old was shot and killed at his/her elementary school. It's terrible. I pray for those families and my hearts go out to them. My heart is breaking for them and I cry for them because I cannot imagine what they are going through. I am not a mother yet, but I know that one day I will be. I also know that I have cousins, and (my someday) niece and nephew of the same ages that I could not imagine living without. I cannot express how horrible I feel about this tragedy and I hope that these families will one day be able to get back to normal, or however close to normal they can get.
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