Thursday, November 29, 2012

I Can't Take it Anymore

I cannot bring myself to study my text book right now. The words have begun to blur together, and my comprehension of the words is lacking. I do not understand why the school schedules all the final exams within the same week. Why not spread them out over two weeks? That way students won't kill themselves studying.

I'm so sleep deprived it's not even funny. I feel like I'm starting to hallucinate a bit and I'm extremely jumpy. Especially in the Strozier basement, when I work late night, such as this very night. Its creepy.

I cannot concentrate on anything at the moment. Not a bit. If I even attempt to look at my text book, I have to read the page or passage ten times before it begins to make sense to me, then I have to read it another five times in order to understand any of it.

This is ridiculous. I feel as though I'm beginning to go insane.

And I still have another two and a half years of this. That's five semesters of midterms and finals week (or as we, college students, like to call it, "hell week").

My eyes burn from being open so long, looking at a book, and my hand and fingers hurt from writing notes. My back and body are aching from sitting hunched over reading my books and my legs are sore from sitting for so long. No amount of coffee or energy drinks is helping right now. I'm so tired that the caffeine just isn't kicking it.

I have four classes to study for. Four core classes, so I have no interest in the material I am studying for, yet according the the education board we have to know this irrelevant crap for our future jobs. Even though my major is psychology.. what is knowing about Jupiter or Saturn gonna do to help a patient suffering from PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) in my later field of choice?

Signed, Sleep Deprived.

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