I feel as though right now, I'm living in the calm before the storm.
I'm living it what seems like peace, and tranquility, yet all that is happening is a build up of wind and rain. Everything seems to be fine on the outside of the clouds, but deep within a storm is brewing.
Everything seems fine with me and Alex, but every time I call him, I hear something in his voice and when I ask, he always tells me it's nothing. I don't like the feeling of not being able to know what's going on beneath his beautiful hazel eyes and I don't like the feeling of not being able to fix something. Fix something, that I broke to begin with.
I feel terrible all the time for what I've done to him, and I'm trying, I'm trying all the time and the hardest I can to make things better. It just doesn't seem to be working, and it just seems like something horrible is building.
I already can tell that there is a storm brewing with my friends. We've already gotten a little taste of what's coming this week. That whole situation is fucked, yet I don't really know anything about what's going on because my friends have decided to leave me out. To not call me, to forget about me.
I feel like I'm alone and even though I have Alex, I still feel alone. No one wants to call me, to check up on me, to invite me to the party, to go shopping with me, etc. and I don't know what I have done to deserve this. It's just me and Doc (my bunny) and Alex (when he can be here). Normally, I'd be freaking out about being alone, I'd be going insane and craving to have some attention from someone, to wrap my arms around someone and sob because I was alone. But, I'm okay with it. Sure it gets lonely, but honestly I don't want to spend time with anyone (apart from Alex), I don't want to talk about the things my friends talk about. Tony talks about sex, Courtney will talk about Autumn or Andrew, Autumn will talk about Jonathan or what she'll be doing soon, Jonathan used to be someone I could go to, but now he is always with Autumn, Dallas is always with Danny and I wouldn't be able to talk to him anyway (that's just Dallas), and Trey has kind of disappeared. Kristine doesn't even text me anymore, she's too busy with work. I would like to spend some time with Keaton, I would like to console in him he was that person for me last year, but he's gone now. He's supposed to be coming back, but we'll see if that happens.
I feel vulnerable right now. I feel as though at any second, I could loose it. I feel like at any second I could disappear and no one would miss me. Except for Alex and possibly Carrigan.
I don't like feeling vulnerable. I'm not that person. Normally, I'm the girl that every one goes to with their problems because I can handle them. I can handle listening to them, giving my honest opinion and not think any differently about that person. I'm the person someone calls at 3AM when they need someone else. I'm the person that is a true friend and I hope I still am. But lately I've gotten word that Tony has been talking shit about me and that the only reason Courtney is hanging out with me is because Autumn is not around, not because I'm a good friend. And I don't understand it, I don't understand what I have done to deserve this treatment. I have been nothing but a friend. Someone to trust. If they needed me, I'd be there at the drop of a hat, but would they do the same for me?
I seem like this strong independent girl on the outside of this strong shell that I have built around me. But on the inside it's different. I come off like I can handle anything, but I can't. My shell is crumbling in some places and becoming soft. I haven't had anything happen to me in order for my to start repairing my shell. Maybe I should any ways, maybe I should become that person that I was my senior year. Maybe I should become hard inside and out again. Maybe I should become unmoving, uncaring, bitchy, in other words strong. Maybe I shouldn't let anyone in again, that way when they leave, it doesn't hurt. Because right now, I'm hurting.
I'm not letting anyone know I'm hurting, but I am. I don't like being left out of my circle of friends, especially when I was the one that introduced everyone. I don't like not being invited to parties or out to dinner or lunch. I don't like being blown off to go hang out with the boyfriend.
Maybe I need new friends, but where am I going to find them? How do I go about talking to son random person and becoming friends with them? This isn't freshman year, and I'm living in an apartment now, not a dorm. So how do I do this?
Maybe I need to change who I am? Take on Tony's perspective of "If you're an ass, the more they flock" but I don't want guys, I want FRIENDS true friends that I can call at 3AM when something is upsetting me and I can't sleep. Someone that will come get me if I run out of gas or blow a tire. Someone I can count on, because right now, it seems like I can't do that with any of my friends.
So, yes, I'm living in the calm before the storm... but am I the storm?
I'm always available to be a 3AM for you. I owe you that much.