I stumbled across this Questions and Answer blog:
Ask The Dude: Real Men Like Curves
A female, obviously "curvy" left a comment on his blog or a question or whatever you want to call it.
She stated that she wasn't happy about here body and she was afraid of what others would think about her in a bikini...
Well, "The Dude" addressed it as so:
"Dear Insecure Bikini,
Hey, when bikini season starts most people are hit with a self-image
s*it storm. Why do you think gym memberships seem to be on the rise
every May? Everyone wants to look better naked and/or near naked,
especially in environments where your body can be constantly compared to
One thing men really don’t find attractive: stick figures. If we
can’t tell if you’re a girl or just a cross-dresser, that’s less
attractive than an hourglass figure. And let me tell you something,
there’s a ton of stick figures on the beach who think they look great
while a lot of guys are thinking: “Eat something!” “If I picked her up,
would she break?” “I can see her intestines!”
Yes, there’s such a thing as TOO SKINNY! But on the other hand,
there’s a guy out there for every body type, curvy, flat, and all points
in between. I’ve got my preferences and they’re different from every
other guy’s.
On the sand, wear something that accentuates what you love about
yourself. Where you’re especially lucky is it sounds like you’ve got
friends who support and accept you for who you are, regardless of how
you look. That’s a lot more than some have. While their advice about
“not worrying about what others think” and “just be happy” is lovely in
sentiment, let’s get realistic. Being happy’s not a switch you can flip
and learning to accept who you are is a LIFELONG task. But, if you’re
not happy, then make some changes!
If you’re super self-conscious then do some crunches every day when
you wake up or before you go to bed and do a calorie count so that the
amount you’re putting in your body is reasonable. Getting overweight has
as much to do with portion size as with meal content. The good thing
that can come out of all this neuroses (self and society induced) is the
potential for making healthy changes to your routine.
What I always hate about this dilemma is that a lot of people are
rejecting themselves. It’s an issue about shame. If you’re proud of your
body, that’s going to come across in how you wear your suit, any kind
of suit, including bathing and birthday suits. And if you’re not
satisfied, again, make some healthy changes to get satisfied. Don’t
become paralyzed by the fear and the guilt. Becoming completely inactive
with the crisis will only prolong and worsen it.
I’m right there with you. A lot of guys are just as insecure about
how they look in trunks, too. We’re terrified our boobs’ll be bigger
than yours and our belly buttons will be leaking salt water long after
we’ve dried off. I know I wish I was in better swimsuit shape.
The bottom line is: curves can be super-sexy. I mean, Christina
Hendricks *Homer Simpson doughnut-face* Sorry, back. What matters isn’t
whether you think guys will like curves, but whether you’re happy with
your curves. There will be a guy out there who’ll love to imagine you
without your bikini on. Right now, it sounds like you’ve got to take
steps to be happy with what he’s imagining.
Surf’s up,
The Dude"
Now, I am a skinny girl. I can't help that I'm skinny, I'm just naturally like this. I eat like a pig and no amount of calorie intake helps me gain weight. So, I'm stuck this way. I'm not curvy in the least, but needless to say, I'm happy with my body.
Not everyone thinks like me, or has the same confidence as me and other "skinny" women left comments about how this is offensive to skinny girls and what not.. but here's the thing..
He was merely stating that his preference is in "curvy" women, he likes the hour glass figure and the big boobs and big ass. He also states that "
there’s a guy out there for every body type, curvy, flat, and all points
in between." This being said, STOP MAKING THIS SO DRAMATIC!
He was helping this female, who is insecure about herself feel better about herself. Telling her that if she's confident and looks confident, it doesn't matter what she looks like. That making healthy decisions will help her feel better about herself as well. He wasn't saying that "skinny" is ugly or unattractive in anyway. He simply stated that he likes a little curve and it's okay to have curves. Every body type is different and as long as your healthy and look happy and are happy, nothing else matters.
You shouldn't strive to be anyone but yourself. You shouldn't strive for perfection. "Perfection" is relative to the individual. So stop worrying about what others think, worry about being healthy more than anything else.
Teeny Tiny
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