Friday, April 12, 2013



The condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects.

Isn't perfection what the everyone strives for? There's no such thing though, and it's relative to the person. Although my life is a little hectic, and chaotic, and at times, stressful, I wouldn't change it for the world. Everything is falling into place and it couldn't be a more opportune time for it. So yes, I'd say my life it perfect right now. Let me list out everything that is going good:
1. New Job (I roll in money EVERY TIME I work)
2. New Boyfriend (he's amazing. he makes me super happy)
3. New Boyfriend about to start at New Job (I got him and his brother new jobs)
4. Schools' almost over for summer (I really need to check up on my grades)
5. Old friends are coming back into my life

I don't think I could ask for anything more at the moment. Maybe to see my family and boyfriend a little more.. but that's okay. I'll see them soon enough.

I am so incredibly happy lately that even a co-worker said something to me the other day. Devin, our bartender, came up to me and asked me how my new relationship was going and of course I told him that it was doing fantastic and he said "I can tell, you kind of have a glow about you lately." That tells you how happy I am. I'm so happy and smiley all the time that I'm glowing. A little weird, but cool. My life couldn't be any better at this point and I am so incredibly thankful and grateful for all of this good that's been happeninf to me. Now.. if only I can save up enough, Michael and I are going on a cruise in October for my 21st birthday!
This is life, and I'm gonna live it.

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