Thursday, April 25, 2013

This is Complete Bullshit

I am so incredibly exhausted, that I honestly do not know how I am continuing to live at this point. I'm annoyed by everything and all the Biology that I am studying is not even sticking in my mind anymore. I literally cannot look at my notes anymore because they look like nothing but hieroglyphics. I am incredibly thankful for Zeb tonight for helping me retain my sanity. Without him, I would have had a complete breakdown by now considering I've been studying biology for over 6 hours now.

I have my last final exam in lest than two hours and I have been awake since ten yesterday morning. Not to mention, I'm running off of four and a half hours of sleep because of the fact that I didn't go to sleep that night until 5:30AM because my boyfriend was over and you know what that means... He is such a bad influence on me, but I love it. At least I know I have responsibilities and I see them through, just not always in the best possible manner for me. Oops, oh well.

They say that college is supposed to be the best years of your life, but I have yet to see that aspect of these past two years and the three to come. I have constantly been over-stressed, lacking sleep, over-intoxicated, and malnourished. Over-stressed, from all the school work, having to maintain high grades, and work for a living because I don't have the luxury of my parents paying for everything unlike some people I know. Lacking sleep, because honestly with my schedule, who has time to sleep? Over-intoxicated because every moment I get, I try to sustain a healthy social life and in college, that means PARTY! Malnourished, because with my pay check and tips, it's still not enough to pay the bills, pay for my rabbit, pay for my gas, and maintain healthy eating habits.

The struggle is real. College life is no stroll in the park. I don't know how society expects us to make it through this alive. Now that I'm close to the end of finals, meaning I have ONE MORE FUCKING TEST TO GO, I feel like I'm crawling out of a cave of textbooks and online notes. I am literally crawling/stumbling to the finish line and I can already taste pina colada on my lips, and feel the sun hitting my skin as summer is seriously right around the corner. I'm so excited it's unreal.

I am expecting this summer to be full of love, fun, alcohol, works, sleep and just some good ol' fashioned relaxation. Even though my summer starts today, right after my 8AM test, it cannot get here soon enough. I'm so ready! Summer 2013, I have high expectations for you, please live up to them..

-Much love.

This is life, and I'm gonna live it.

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