Tuesday, April 16, 2013

So Incredibly Done with School

So, as I sit here with Zeb Ott, studying for some of my final exams that are coming up next week... I have come to the conclusion that I am so incredibly sick and tired of school. I wish with all that I am that I could take a semester off to work and save up some money so I could concentrate more on school in semester I return than on making money to live and eat and survive and make sure my rabbit has food as well.

We are both to the point that we just want to say, "FUCK THIS!" to every single class we are studying for, drop out, and live off the damn land. I'm in desperate need of keeping my Hope Scholarship if I want to continue with school and I am dangerously close to losing it with my grades this semester. I'm just praying to at least PASS my class this semester. After spring break my brain went to jello and hasn't returned to a stable learning state yet. I just have so much going on. I have 15 hour school weeks not to mention 30-40 hour work weeks and it's beginning to literally kill me, mentally and physically. I am drained constantly and it's so hard to stay on top of it all, not to mention I have a boyfriend I am juggling now too. I don't understand how colleges expect us to take these class loads and then work for a living on top of it all and graduate within four years. It's friggin' impossible. They make college incredibly expensive and unless your mommy and daddy can afford to pay for every single thing you need, a girl's gotta work to live, try to go to class, and keep her grades up ALL while eating and trying to get some sleep and some of a social life and feed her rabbit. Not to mention, if you don't get at least your bachelor's degree there is no way in hell you'll be able to be successful in the future. Even now, it's hard to get a job with a bachelor's degree more and more companies and careers are requiring you to go even further in your education and get your masters or doctorate's. How in the world do they expect you to be able to afford all this fresh out of high school? Society is insane.

I am drowning in stress, in school work, and in my job, yet I continue to get distracted because I just don't want to do this studying or work. I want to make money so I can stop stressing so much about not having it and then go into more studying but I highly doubt my parents will go for that. Unless I can convince my mom into saving for a semester and then going back. It might work.. who knows. I'll have a conversation with her about it soon.

anyways here are my main distractions for the night:
WARNING: they are hilarious!

40 'Mean Girls' Quotes That Make Everyday Life Worth Living

You must watch the video, and read every single quote. By the end of each of these, I was crying from laughter.
This is life, and I'm gonna live it.

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