Thursday, April 4, 2013

Falling Into Place

Isn't it incredible how fast things can change? How quick your feelings for someone develop or dissipate?

Just three short months ago, my world came crumbling down, or at least I thought it had. My long term boyfriend, the one I thought I would spend the rest of my life with, broke up with me. I was hurt, and broken and thought that I would never recover from it.

I did. I've become stronger and happier. I've decided that I'll never be broken like that again. I've also learned that it was meant to happen. I'm glad it did, even though I've lost someone that was once so close to me, I've learned to be a better person from that experience. I've also learned that we've changed. The people we once were no longer exist. I think we've grown apart and are heading in completely different directions away from each other and that the distance was just too much for us.

I've learned that the old saying, "Sometimes good things fall apart so that better things can fall together," is true. I thought my world had ended but in reality, a new beginning had started. A month later, I started hanging out with Michael and started forgetting about my feelings for Alex. We have a little bit of a past, but nothing ever amounted to anything and I liked him last year and had to walk away from him. Well, we rekindled things and it was immediately different than last year. Emotions were stronger and developed fast for each other. Now, just two short months later we are dating, and happy. He tells me things he hasn't told anyone and he really enjoys spending time with me and I really enjoy spending time with him and I know that eventually I'll be able to share things with him that I haven't trusted anyone else with. Sure, we'll have our differences and things to work through, but I think we can do it, and I think we'll become something incredible. I now have a new job serving at the Ruby Tuesday in Newnan and I'm still going to school at the University of my dreams.

I am at a fantastic point in my life, and it seems like things are just falling into place so easily now. So, maybe Alex breaking up with me was a good thing. Actually, no, I know it was a good thing because it's absolutely incredible how happy I am right now. I haven't been able to stop smiling in days. I'm so giddy with joy it's like I'm a little kid again.

Before, I know I was in a depression. And I hate to say this, but I'm beginning to think that being with Alex was putting me in it because ever since Michael and I started talking, I have not had one of those days or an episode yet. Being away from Alex, and wanting to be with him and being so lonely here took its toll on me. But now, I'm so happy it's not even funny. I smile constantly and I don't have days where I can't move out of bed or feel sad and break down for no reason. Michael has really helped me and I'm extremely thankful for him.

I'm really excited to see where things will take me. Michael and I have already decided that we're going to Disney world soon because he's never been. Time to start saving and get really excited!
This is life, and I'm gonna live it.

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