So, I think I've got some shit I need to get off my chest because It's aching today and it hasn't done this in a while. I've been really good about all this, but today for some reason it's hard. Maybe it's because I'm starting a new job today, and I'm really excited about it and I can't share that with him like I used to be able to..
I don't know, I'm missing him today. So much that my emotions are threatening to choke some tears out of me, and I can't have that. Not today. Today, I have too much shit riding on the fact that my emotions have to be in check and I have to put on a pretty smiling face. I'm serving at Ruby Tuesday now. Image and attitude are everything.
But I want to be able to talk to him, or maybe not him. I think I'm missing being that close to someone more than actually missing HIM. But at the same time, I do miss him too. But I'm also beginning to think that this break up might have been for the best. I realized when I went home this weekend, that I have nothing in Snellville anymore. My life is here, in Carrollton. My friends are here, my job is here, my school is here, my apartment is here. That only things back home was Alex, and my parents. And now, Alex is moving, so even he isn't there anymore. My life has moved and my priorities are changing, and I'm thinking that my mom is right, that I'm outgrowing him. Our ambitions don't line up anymore and we're not helping each other exceed any more. I feel like we were holding each other back. Not to mention our relationship is so incredibly damaged it's not even funny. And two people can only take so much shit before they can't take it anymore. As much as I hate to admit it, I think we have reached that point.
I'd give anything to have him the way I did in high school. To have that intense, crazy, out of this world, first love feeling but as much as I hate it, I know that won't come back again. We're too broken. We're too hurt. I'm too hurt. How could be possible fix all that has happened between us? There's just no way. So, maybe it's best that I just move on and leave all we had and him in my past. As good as that sounds and as much as I'd like to be able to do that, I know myself well enough to know that there is no way that I'll just be able to leave him in my past. He's a part of me. He's helped create the person I am today. He'll always be apart of me and whether I like it or not, I will always love him. No matter what. And I still miss him. Everyday I miss him.
And here are the tears I've been fighting back. I can't hold the dam any longer. My chest aches because I miss him so much. I hate that he can do this to me. I'm mad at him. I'm angry. I'm hurt. I'm mad that he gave up on me. HE WALKED AWAY AND GAVE UP ON ME! HE BROKE UP WITH ME and LEFT ME. He did this to me again. And I know he said he didn't mean anything he said but he wouldn't have said them if they didn't have some truth. He's never been one to lie to me. He gave up on me. He told me I couldn't make him happy anymore. He told me that being with me would never make him happy. So I'm done. If I can't make him happy, than I hope he meets someone who can. I just can't watch it happen. It will kill me.
I will find happiness again. I won't let him break me like he did before. Yeah, I'm hurt. I'm hurting.. but I will not remain this way like I did before. I will recover and I will accomplish everything that I want to accomplish. I will be successful and I will enjoy my life. I will meet someone, someone like him and someone different than him as well, and I will love him with everything that I am and I will marry him and we will live happily every after. I don't know when that will be, but IT WILL HAPPEN. I REFUSE TO BE UNHAPPY. I will make it through this, and I will come out stronger and better than ever before. I can do this.
This is life, and I'm gonna live it.
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