Friday, March 8, 2013

Understanding World

Recently I have been debating whether or not I really want to continue perusing the field of psychology. I couldn't put my finger on why I wanted to go into it in the first place. Sure, I took a class in high school and fell in love with it, but why did I fall in love with it? Today, I've been working on my psychology homework and we're writing a paper in that class about a topic that will eventually evolve into out senior project.

But I was sitting there, pondering what the hell I would talk about and then I started wondering why I really went into studying and majoring in psychology in the first place. I realized it's because I love unmade beds. I love when people are drunk and crying and cannot be anything but honest in that moment. I love the look in people's eyes when they realize they are in love. I love the way people look when they first wake up in the morning and have forgotten their surroundings. I love the gasp people take when their favorite character dies. I fall in love with their honest moments all the time. I fall in love with the breakdowns and their smeared make up and their daydreams. Honesty is just too beautiful to ever put into words.

Every day, I witness these events and I wonder why people do what they do. I wonder , "how are they feeling right now?" I've been through some of these things, all of these things, but is it the same for them as it was for me? Psychology teaches humility, it teaches you to be humble, understanding, kind, truthful and not just with others, but with yourself too. It helps you to become a better person and to be all you can be. It shows you that those "disorders" people suffer from aren't really disorders, but part of that person, their own reality, and that there is nothing WRONG with that person, just something different and something beautiful.

Psychology isn't just about the bad parts of a human. It's how each and everyone of us relates. It's not just biological aspects of the brain, or damage to a person. It's how to become a better person, whatever that may be to an individual. It's how to deal with the world and walk in someone else's shoes for a while. To understand that each and every single person in the world is dealing with their own personal experiences and it's not right to judge or criticize them for understanding the world and experiencing the world in their own specific way. It helps you become true to yourself, and not care what other people think of you, to just thrive in your own reality.

I want to be a part of that. I want to help people. Of course, I'm not going the traditional route of therapy, I'm going into forensic psychology. I'm going to find people that create crime, I'm going to talk to them, understand them and work towards having a better criminal system. To understanding the offender and how we can help them. That's when I realized I knew why I went into psychology, I wanted to help make the world a better more humble, more humane place.

Right now, the offender will get thrown in jail. In those prisons they learn from other convicts how to be worse then they are, when they're done serving their time, they get thrown out into the world to commit the same or even worse crimes than they already have and then get thrown back in to learn even more bad. So why not break the cycle of crime. Instead of just throwing them in prison, why not help them work out their underlying stress. The reasons they are committing this crime is just as important as the fact that they committed the crime in the first place. It's not fair to them, and it's not fair to us. So why not rehabilitate them, and help them before they try to help themselves in the wrong way? This is why I went into psychology, because the world needs softer, humbler, gentler, more tender, sweeter, more understanding people. We have enough of the hardened people, the strong people, the mean people, the tough.. too much I'd say. I think everyone should take a walk in some one else's shoes for a day and then the world would be a better place, a more understanding place.

This is life, and I'm gonna live it.

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