noun: An unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity.
verb: Engage in hazardous and exciting activity, esp. the exploration of unknown territory: "they had adventured into the forest".
synonyms: noun. venture
verb. risk - venture - hazard - jeopardize - dare - jeopard
I am obsessed with adventures. I am more than obsessed, I am passionate about them. They are what keep me going (Aside from Alex, he's my everything). For me, adventures happen every day in the most unusual ways. Going to the grocery store is an adventure for me because you never know who you'll meet or run into or what you'll discover or what will happen to you along the way.
I love and am terrified by them. I love that they hold so much potential, so much meaning without us even knowing, and so much excitement. I am terrified by the fact that each one can change you drastically.
College was an adventure, so many new faces and new experiences and friends to make. So many people that I didn't know and of whom I had the potential to know. They, like me, were going through the experience of knowing no one, and getting thrown into a town, knowing nothing about it. We, as a group of individuals, had to learn to bond with each other and become a group as a whole in order to survive college. So I made friends, friends that I know will last a lifetime no matter where we end up or how far away from each other we are.
I think my greatest adventure was Alex. This one, like my college adventure, isn't over yet. It won't ever be over. But this one, was the scariest for me and it became down right horrible for a while there, but now it's better. It was the scariest of all because he was my best friend and in becoming a couple we could have lost that forever and at one point I thought I had, but we found each other again, and we hit rough patches and we continue to, but we learn from each other and grow with each other and push through all the bad.
And for the rest of you.. Adventures are incredible. Each month, day, hour, minute, and second can become an adventure. Don't ever say no to going to the grocery store with a friend, or just going for a walk. You never know what could happen. You could find $20 or meet the love of your life. Strive on my friends, and always go with your gut (or your heart) because sometimes, they know better than your head.
and Carrigan, keep your head up darling. Push through this bad time. Make new friends and rely on yourself for a change. Don't rely on other people to make your happy or to have your back. Sometimes you have to do it yourself instead. You cannot begin to love someone else unless you love yourself first. Find yourself, and enjoy yourself before you try to do the same with others. Stay strong, persevere. You can do this. I know you can. If I can, I know you can. You will do this and you will be stronger and better for it. I love you.
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