Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Apartment Bitch Fit

So my roommate.. she has to be one of the most inconsiderate, unintelligent, smoked out, irresponsible, incommunicable, disrespectful people I have ever met.

Exhibit A: Anytime something of hers goes missing, she blames one of us. Or if she uses all of something and she's too high to remember that she's used it.. she blames it on us. BITCH! We are not using your shit. We have our own shit. And if you leave a TINY bit of bleach in the bottom of the bottle.. it's a liquid, it dries up like any other liquid. We didn't use it, you did.

Exhibit B: She comes home at like 3 AM (high as shit, I might add) and proceeds to cook a full-fledged meal. Like fish and sides and bread and whatever ever else you make for a Thanksgiving meal and in the process of doing so, slams all the cabinet doors, turns the faucet on full blast, moves plates around and everything and it's loud as fuck and I CAN HEAR EVERY BIT OF IT, MY ROOM IS RIGHT THERE! Bitch, stop.

Exhibit C: Every single time she enters or exits the front door she slams the damn thing. Again, my room is right there. When you come into our apartment at 3 in the morning, there is no need to wake me up because you slammed the damn door. I'm sorry, not everyone is a fucking night owl like you.. STOP. I am not a happy person when you wake me up for no damn reason slamming the door and shit. Bitch.

Exhibit D: You call us antisocial.. well, let me tell you something. Every time we see you, you have your damn headphones in. How the hell are we supposed to communicate with you if you have those damn things in your ears, turned on full blast no doubt. We try to talk to you, and you don't respond so we tap you on the shoulder and you get a fucking attitude with us because you have to listen to us.. That is what communication is.. it is talking to someone, that person listening and then replying while the other person listens. Not to mention you never come out of your room when you're here. The only time you do it's to accuse us of using something of yours. It's not that hard and it'd be nice if you weren't so damn rude.

Exhibit E: The reason you have bugs in your room is because you keep nasty dirty dishes in there all the fucking time because your too damn lazy to get up and carry them to the kitchen and clean them. It's not that hard. You don't even have to clean them right then, you can wait til the morning but at least they're in the sink and not all over your bedroom.

To say that least, she's horrible. Everyone else in the apartment gets along great. She's like the black sheep and I'm speaking for all of us when I say, no one likes her. She's disgusting. She's rude. She's inconsiderate. Like damn, just be civil. It's not hard to be nice to people, it's actually a lot easier than being mean. Not to mention I've been dealing with this for about 4 months now. I've held it in long enough. I put a note on the refrigerator that says, "Quit slamming the front door!" and you better believe when she confronts me about it.. I'm gonna go off.

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