Monday, October 1, 2012


Every single person in this world is struggling. You're not the only one. EVER.

You are not the only one having to stay up late studying because you have three tests tomorrow and five papers due next week. You're not the only one having two work four jobs because you're so far in debt you can't breathe. You're not the only one who is alone tonight. You're not the only one who feels, even if you're in a large group of people, you're still alone.

But think of it this way too, no matter how bad you got it, I'm sure someone out there probably has it worse. Think about third world countries.. They can't even bathe or eat on the regular. Some are dying of starvation, others of dehydration because they don't have clean drinking water. Then there are some that are dying simply because they have a cold or because they have a fever because they don't have medicine like we do.

So, if you're like me, typing away on your laptop.. Think about it the next time you complain about something. At least you're in a house or apartment right now with a roof over your head, clothes on your body, food in your stomach, and shoes on your feet. Think, hey, I have a laptop, and an x-box or wii or playstation or whatever. Think, I have a car. Think I have a job. Think I have a phone, probably a smart phone at that. Think I have clothes, and more than one outfit. I have a bed, a shower, a toothbrush. Think, I'm getting an education and if you're in college like me, that education is not coming cheap or easy.

So yeah, life's rough. It's hard. You have to push through it sometimes and cry other times. NO ONE EVER SAID IT WAS EASY.  But you know what, you have it a LOT better than most of the world and even if it is hard, you're not going through this alone. I'm sure you have someone that if you needed them, they would drop everything at that moment for you. As I typed those words, I knew who that person was for me, and I'm lucky enough to have more than one, but I'm sure as you read those words, you know who your person is too. I'm sure every single one of you has a person. Someone who without you even asking will be there in a heartbeat. Who you can call crying and who will ask you if they need you to beat their ass. You know who I'm talking about. Make sure you appreciate them. Appreciate them everyday. You never know who you're going to lose or when so say thank you every now and then and stop complaining so damn much. You've got it pretty good compared to others. So, shut the fuck up.

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