Sunday, September 30, 2012


I hate it when people don't take NO for a freakin' answer. Like seriously, I said no.

Stop. Stop trying to make moves on me. Stop trying to constantly "woo" me. STOP IT! I have a boyfriend. He's the love of my life. We have been through so much that you have NO IDEA ABOUT. We are "perfect" together. As close to perfect that any two people can be.

So stop! I'm not going to fall for you or be persuaded by you to think that we could have something better than I already have. I LOVE HIM. Not you, I will never love you. Simple as that.

Stop trying to get me to tell you how I feel, honestly.. I have no feelings for you. Other than that of, "you're a cool dude and I wish we could be friends." Nothing more than that. I want to be your FRIEND.

I know this sounds cruel, and harsh but, I mean, this is how I FEEL. If you want to know so bad than here ya go. Nothing less and nothing more.

I'm in love with Alex, not you. Plain and simple as day and night. You are nothing like him, you know nothing about me, and Alex and I know everything about each other. There's no competing with him. No competition once so ever. So stop and TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER.

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