Tuesday, September 25, 2012


There's  little pep in my step. They air is crisp. Scarves and boots have come out of the back of the closet. Why? AUTUMN IS HERE!

This is my favorite time of the year. The weather is amazing. It's perfect outside, it's not too hot and it's not too cold. Sweaters, boots, long socks, scarves, hats, and gloves all come out of the bins that have been put in storage to hibernate throughout the summer. The leaves change and come to life as they flutter between branch and ground. Rosy cheeks become known in the crisp air and everyone moves a little faster to get out of the brisk wind.

It's gorgeous, this world we live in. So many people take it for granted. Stop for a moment. Just a moment and look around. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell? This world is a beautiful place. We are destroying it little by little bit. Eventually, if we don't do something about it now, it will look like Wall-E. I don't want that to happen to this wonderful planet of ours. It's too pretty. So green, and lush, and bustling with so much life and so much potential. The colors are vibrant, the animals are cute, the sounds are melodious and beautiful. Why are we so intent on destroying what is already so beautiful with out buildings, lights, cars, planes, boats..? When was the last time you could truly look at the stars & SEE them? It's almost in possible now because of all the city lights.

Why is the darkness so horrible for some? The darkness isn't scary. Darkness is calm. Peaceful. Nothing for you to see to worry. Nothing distracting you from your thoughts. So why is is so scary? Dark is not scary. The things that COULD be in the dark are scary but, there isn't always something there. Sometimes, we let our minds get the best of us. Close your eyes, open your ears, smell with your nose, and feel with your hands. It's not that bad once you get used to the dark. To being alone and listening to your own thoughts ramble. Do it sometime, see what it feels like. Stop destroying this world. Don't be afraid of the dark & maybe you'll be able to see the stars. "It's often in the darkest skies that we see the brightest stars." 


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