I have a problem with people talking about me behind my back. Especially about situations that I've gone to them personally about. Seriously? If you have a problem with me, just tell me! If I have gone to you asking about certain things PERSONALLY, I expect you to be honest with me and just tell me straight up. I don't know how you feel about the topic. I don't know what you're thinking. Sure, I'm a psychology major but no amount of studying will enable me to KNOW what YOU'RE thinking!
Don't go talk about me to OUR friend and then expect her to tell me what YOU want to tell me. JUST STRAIGHT OUT, point blank tell me what you feel. It's much more honorable to tell me to my face or in person than to hear it through the grape vine. It's not going to hurt my feelings. It takes A LOT to hurt my feelings. If it's how you feel I'll understand. I'll back off, I'll leave you alone. Don't keep things secret from me for fear of my ear. I will understand you, and everything you say.
I want to know these things. I don't want to overstep boundaries and I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. I want to be able to share things with you and you share things with me in the same manner. I want you to tell me your secrets so I can tell you mine and know that I can trust you to keep them. How am I supposed to be able to trust you, if you can't trust me? If you can't trust me to not blow up over something that's as petty as this?
If I've overstayed my welcome, TELL ME! If you're annoyed by me, TELL ME! I know I talk to much, so if you want me to shut up for a while, TELL ME! If you don't want me around as much, FUCKING TELL ME! Damn. It's not that hard to let your feelings be known without going to someone else to talk about me. Just come to my face. I'm not going to get angry with you. I'm going to understand you, and I'll do what you ask. What gets me angry, is that fact that you couldn't tell me yourself. You couldn't be honest with me. Shit, if I have a problem, I promise I'll be honest with you.
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