Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September 5, 2012

This life we live in is so fast pace. Too much hustle and bustle, go faster, and speed up. Not enough calm, serenity, stop and smell the roses, and meditation.

Psychology teaches you to stop and observe, meditate, and learn yourself. Sure, we are capable of doing so much but if we slow down we could be capable of doing so much more. It teaches you to judge yourself before you judge others and not to really "judge" others but understand them. Take a walk in their shoes.

Understand their heart, soul, passion and help them become the best they can be. You cannot begin to help someone become their best if you have not understood yourself.

I think knowing, understanding, and becoming yourself may be the hardest part of being human. Knowing your weaknesses and coming to term with them. Accepting you are who you are and some may not like you but then you have to understand that you cannot make them like you or love you. There will always be someone out there that will not like you, and you have to be okay with that. We are all different and accepting that fact is crucial.

But maybe, all this intrinsic focus can be shown or displayed extrinsically. Letting people know you are you and becoming all that you can be is a good thing. Accepting others and let them accept you.

As I write these words it becomes more and more apparent that this process with not come easy. Having people analyze and accept me without any masks or facades will be hard. But I must be at peace with myself before I can be at peace with the world.

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