Sex, is it purely physical? Is it for nothing but pleasure and reproduction?
Sex defined: the sum of the structural, functional, and behavioral characteristics of living things that are involved in reproduction by two interacting parents and that distinguishes males and females.
So, if we go by the Websters dictionary, it's purely for reproduction. So why, as humans, do we tie so many emotions to it? We are not supposed to be monogamous creatures. According to psychologists we as animals want to get as much of our genetic material into the world as possible.
So why, in multiple and various cultures and traditions so we tie sex to love, commitment, marriage, religion, etc..? I myself normally tie it to love, that is, until I got to college. Now, it's just a favorite pastime.
But along with that comes judgement. Especially on women. Why is it a guy can have sex with many women and be called a champ, but a woman is culled a slut or a whore? It's not fair at all, but it occurs across many cultures. It's incredible. If this act was meant and is meant for mere reproduction, why are these thoughts and emotions tied to it?
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