Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What is love?

How do you know when you're in love with someone? Is it when you melt because he plays the guitar? or is it when you get a tingling feeling in your stomach when he smiles at you? When you notice little things about him? or when you obsess over him?

His mannerisms are eccentric and his smile is blinding, his lips are soft and plump and his bottom lip just makes me want to bite it.

But then his girlfriend calls and his words "I love you too" strike at my heart. It hurts with a pain I've felt before. But that pain is heart break. So do I love him already? or is it true that if your crush last more than four months you're already in love with the person? How long has it been? It feels like and eternity. One full of sorrow. My cup is flowing over with grief and sadness. But also happiness that I can spend time with him. I like being around him. His presence makes me happy. Almost giddy.

And he picks up his guitar again and I try not to, but everyone knows I melt. Everyone but him. If he starts to sing. It's all over. I might just run over there and kiss him right now. Maybe I won't.

He's already in enough pain himself because of me. According to some I'm irresistible. But why can he resist me? Why can't he just give into me like I've already given into him.

My heart screams for something definite. Something tangible. I want so badly something or someone I can touch with my hands and feel in my heart but I want that someone to return my feelings.

I long for him, but does he long for me? I feel like my feelings are plastered all over my face and that my heart is on my sleeve. How do I stop this? How do I control my feelings? I can't. It's impossible. I guess I'll just have to wait. But how long? Forever? or just a little while longer?

I wish someone could answer my questions. But what does love even mean? What is it exactly? Can you really fall into it? or is it non-existent? Is it when two people know so much about each other, they're your best friend and you can't stand being away? or is it knowing nothing of each other and taking all your time to get to know them? or is neither the answer and it be something completely different?

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