Wednesday, September 19, 2012


why do we have to take these stupid core classes in college? It makes no sense. We took them in high school and middle school and elementary school. Well rounded students? That's the reason they give us. Shouldn't we be well enough if we can get into college? We have to have good grades and a high score on the SAT which is an accumulative assessment to test the skills we're ALREADY learned. So if that's good enough, why do we HAVE to take them again?

I'm learning the same material that I already KNOW so why LEARN it again? Waste our time and money to take American Government and Biology for the the billionth time. They have nothing to do with our majors! Why do I need to learn about cell division again and again and again.

It's monotonous. It's ridiculous. A waste. I really can't stand the institution of it. I feel it's pointless to take the same subjects I have already studied. Studying for tests that mean nothing and getting anxiety trying to keep my HOPE scholarship. I really cannot stand it.

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