Wednesday, September 19, 2012

West Georgia

My campus is rather quiet today. Normally there is a lot more hustle and bustle. I haven't gotten to participate much in my favorite pastime of people watching. It's gloomy and not many people are out walking like usual. It's hot and muggy. Usual Georgia weather.

One thing I did notice... EVERYONE is on their cell phone. Is it possible this day and age to not be socially connected at all times? Even I feel lost when I forget to bring my phone with me somewhere. We are so dependent on instant gratification now days that I feel if for some reason we lose power, the WORLD will be lost.

What would humanity resort to? Chaos and violence? Being continuously connected to other at all times is a luxury that we don't quite think enough about. We don't appreciate that everyone is just a phone call away. We have air conditioning and running water that we didn't have even 100 years ago.

Studies show that people of those times were more educated and valued living more than we do now. Can we come to appreciate the world again in this age of technology or will we forever be mindless texting zombies?

Honestly, groups of people cannot even go out to eat anymore without someone pulling out their cell phone. It's incredible how we are so dependent on each other's company but when were in it, we seek more form people of whom are not with us. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of hanging out with friends in the first place?

Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, & Instagram are all designed to keep us "close" but aren't they essentially pushing us away from face to face contact? It's easier to hold a conversation through text anyways right?

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