Saturday, February 2, 2013

52 Week Money Challenge

So, I came across a fantastic way to save money. But I will need help keeping it up. It's called the 52 week challenge. The first week you put one dollar in, the second week two dollars so you then have three dollars, the third week, three dollars so the total balance would be six dollars, etc.

I'm really excited because at the end of fifty-two weeks I should have over $1300. The great thing is, if I have an emergency anywhere between there I will have a little money saves up and I can always start over.

It'll be a challenge for me not to touch the savings jar that I'm keeping it in. I have a problem with saving money. I don't make a lot to begin with so whenever I do get a hold of money it usually disappears pretty quickly. Groceries, my bunny, gas, life.. everything costs so much money now days.

At the end of this post I'll put a picture of what the chart looks like. I should be able to post weekly with what my jar looks like. At this point I have both the first and second week taken care of. I'm really excited to see if I have the will power to do this.

The 52 Week Challenge Calendar

My Decorated Mason Jar to Hold Everything

This is life, and I'm gonna live it.

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