That feeling in my chest is back. The feeling of emptiness, loneliness, sadness. I haven't even done anything today. I just woke up. So why won't this feeling go away?
It doesn't help any when you watch the love of your life walk away and tell you that you don't make him happy anymore, that you can't make him happy, and being with you will never make him happy, and having him tell you that seeing you makes him cringe because he is so unhappy. I took those cold words in. Those icy sentences stabbed deep in the heart. They made me cold, hard. Words like that shape a person. They stay buried within them. I've sat on those words for two months now. I've let them eat at my mind and I've let them effect in ways that I shouldn't but when words like that come from the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, they hurt, and they cut down to your soul.
I finally got to the point where I could handle not being with him. I could handle him not being in my life. I tried (unsuccessfully) to not think about him every day. I was okay though, I was happy with being alone, I was liking being single and being able to do whatever the fuck I wanted. But then he called me last yesterday, three times at that.
I could handle talking to him on the phone. I thought it was just friendly talk, like we used to do before we dated. But them yesterday, he opened up a can of worms that have been reeking havoc on my mind.
He told me yesterday that he wanted to take back all the bad things he had said, that he honestly didn't mean any of them and he knew this because he missed me. He missed all the good times we had, he missed my smile and my touch. He said I was peanut butter to his jelly, and that I still make him happy. I still make him smile and laugh even when he doesn't want to. He told me that he loves me, more than anything in the world and that I could never make him cringe because he thinks I'm the most beautiful girl in the world and he doesn't want to be with anyone else. That he still wants to marry me and that he can't see himself with anyone else.
You know, I want to believe his words. I do, I want to believe he really means this stuff and he's not just lonely. But you weren't there to hear the icy words come out of his mouth a month ago. You weren't there to see that he didn't care how those words would effect me. I still think about those words. Every day. I'm trying to learn from them. To shape myself to be less of a horrible person.
I was moving on, I was doing okay, and then he has to come and say these words that completely negate what I had been dwelling on for the past month. I don't even know how to take them. They've been on my mind all night, replaying through my head. What do I do about it? I'm not ready to hop back into a relationship with him.. I'm still hurting, I'm still healing. But then again, who's to say that if we do get back together this won't happen again? I don't think I can take losing him one more time. I love the boy, I do. I always will, but should I really be with him again? CAN I be with him again? We've been through so much.
And what about Michael? We're kind talking, getting to know each other, do I just leave him in the dust? Forget about his feelings? I mean sure, we haven't amounted to anything. We're not even dating, but I mean still.. My life is affecting another person's again. I'm tired of hurting people. I know they say that you have to make yourself happy and hurting others come with that sometimes, but I'm tired of it. I don't like it and I've done plenty of it in my short life time.
Maybe I should just stay single for a while. I'm a college student, I need to get my crazy out of me. I need to be able to rely on myself, and not someone else. I need to be able to take care of myself, and love myself, and be happy by myself before I can begin to do the same for someone else. I need to grow a little more. I need to heal a little more. I need to take time for myself, be alone in a crowded room and be okay with that. I need to take myself to a movie, or out dancing and not feeling lonely even though I'm alone. I need to learn more about myself, I need to know what my hopes and dreams and aspirations are. I need to empower myself to be good, and gentle and humble, and fix the previous bad that I have done.
I need to be able to study. To learn about everything and anything I come in contact with. I need to become a better person. I need to become a stable person instead of this train wreck of a life I live. I need to love. Love uncontrollably, and unconditionally, but not a person, I need to love life in that manner. I need to be more thankful for everything I have and with all the interactions I've had the privileged of coming in contact with.
How will I be able to do these things if I'm busy loving one person? Single is good for me right now, it's honestly what I need. I've always jumped from boyfriend to boyfriend and I don't need to do that this time. I need to be by myself for a while, learn and grow, and be alone. I need to pull myself out of this depression I'm sinking in. I need to do that, I don't need someone else to do that because I don't need to rely on them to do it again.
I'm a strong woman and I'm powerful in many ways. I have gotten myself out of worst situations than this and I have built walls around my heart so that things don't hurt me as bad. I am an easy going person, and it's hard to get me mad. I am kind at times and a bitch at other times. I try not to judge you, until I know your character and I know you personally. I give good advice (some that I need to listen to myself) and I love helping others. I've made plenty of mistakes that's for sure, but I have learned from them (the hard way of course). I'm stubborn in my ways and I'm hard headed. I'm a good person, but I want to be better. I want to have a better attitude, and a better outlook on life.
So maybe time alone is for the best. Maybe being alone will help me shape myself into the person I want to become. A person that is full of joy, love, strength, and humbleness. A person that I can be proud of.
This is life, and I'm gonna live it.